Sharia law to usurp the Constitution in Dearborn, Michigan where next? Mosque at Ground Zero--why?
Friday, August 20, 2010 at 02:12AM
City On A Hill in Bible Prophecy, Constitution, Education, Israel, dearborn michigan, islam, middle east, sodom and gomorrha, terrorism, war on terror


Hear an interview with Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt 8-19-10 and be warned at the apathy that is so dangerous in today's culture.

Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where Lot was so mired in that culture that he would rather sacrifice his own children. We are there today as is so plain to see right in our tv sets and everywhere you look around. And there will be a price-- for some not in this world but maybe the next as God-- will not be mocked.

Also hear Chaplain explain about the incident in Dearborn, Michigan where the Constitution is being usurped by Sharia Law. We hope Michigan citizens who believes in the Constitution will speak out while they still can. If there are indeed moderate moslems--we hope they will speak out and also be consider the families who lost their loved ones in 9/11 and not insist on their way of building the mosque at Ground Zero which is hallowed ground and should never be a place for a moslem victory site--or anything that smells like it.

Along with rights comes responsibilities to use it honorably-something the Founders knew but most do not today (ex--when pornography is called artistic expressions.)

 We hope the citizens of New York will prevail on Mayor Bloomberg and hopefully the rest of America will speak out on this. One way is through the petitition at this website check it out and get involved while this is still the land of the free.




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