Mosab Hassan Yousef-Don't Let Him Be Deported--Why destroy an asset in the prevention of a repeat of 9/11
Friday, June 18, 2010 at 11:32PM
City On A Hill in 9/11, Bible Prophecy, Israel, hamas, home of the brave, homeland security, land of the free, mosab hassan yousef, terrorism, war on terror, war on terror

Please read our earlier articles on this son of a Hamas Founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef, who met his Savior and freed him from hate which has been prevalent in the middle east.  This young man is a testimony to how God's grace can effect a change no peace plan by any government can bring.  Indeed, he is a prime example of what we want to see happen in the minds and culture of the middle east--a respect for life.  The transformation everyone has been seeking is found in this young man and yet this administration instead of embracing and proclaiming the good news from such a world changing attitude-maybe sending him back and to his death.

I am sorry Mosab Hassan Yousef has seen the not so good side of America.  It is not everywhere but it is there amongs those who maybe blinded to the truth in front of them.    I daresay those trying to deport him are following the nth letter of the law--they think to the best of their ability--but they forgot the spirit of the law.  The same mindset has sprung up in many areas of our government where the Original Intent has been overlooked. 

But there is hope because many  Americans who truly want to do what is right as they truly love this land of the free-home of the brave will be writing to Homeland Security and asking that deportation hearing be cancelled.  I pray those in the Department of Homeland Security will see the truth for I believe they too, really love their country, their families.  They just need a little help to realize the truth that having such a man is an asset, an incredible resource and a gift from God in this fight on the war on terror.  I know 9/11 seems distant but in an instant the pain can come again if we are not vigilant and I dare say there is hope because bottom line those in Homeland Security seeks to truly do just that--keep our Homeland--our families, our children-- safe.   

I pray they will see they must use everything they can to prevent a repeat of the hell on earth suffered by many on 9/11 and that Mosab Hassan Yousef, will be seen as indeed the very help they can not afford to turn away!  A reminder of that event--click here.  Here is a link to an interview with him by Jewish Television.


Please write to request the cancellation of the deportation hearing in San Diego scheduled for June 30th.   Contact:  Kerri Calcador, Senior Attorney U.S. Department of Homeland Security Immigration and Customs Enforcement 880 Front St. Suite 224, San Diego, CA 92101. The phone number is 619-557-5578

Update on Friday, July 2, 2010 at 12:57AM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill

Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow.  Again He has shown this is his nation which when his foundations are followed--men can indeed be free.  What an awesome testimony the deportation hearing of Yousef is about our awesome God.  Watch video on this:


Thank you Lord!!!

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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