What A Country --What A God! Washington D.C. History Tour
Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 10:20PM
City On A Hill in Monticello, Mount Vernon, arlington house, arlington national cemetery, george washington, history tour, thomas jefferson, vietnam war memorial, washington d c, world strides travel

I just got back from a trip to Washington D.C. and words can't describe how I feel.  It was a jam-packed tour that left me with a wistful, incredilous feeling over this nation I call home.  It was a tour with WorldStrides under co-host Mrs. Barbara Moore's planning and it was just incredible.

I come back just thanking God for the caretakers of this nation's historical memories--for the excellence in care and the planning and preservation steps taken (I'm sure with much sacrifice) so that simple citizens like me can see for myself the people who paved the way for the great nation I live in and what being an American meant to them.  The War Memorials were crucial in making me understand that freedom isn't free.  Gazing at the countless names inscribed in the Vietnam War Memorial, the rows of markers as far as the eye can see in Arlington National Cemetery, and the stark figures of our soldiers on the Korean War Memorial made me feel a great debt of gratitude for these who sacrificed lives and families so that I can be free.   It is as the inscription on the Korean War Memorial--"freedom isn't free".

Visiting the homes of Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, and George Washington's Mount Vernon made me step back in time into the life of these Founding Fathers and glimpse their world then.  What lovers of God they were.  Today many lovers of our LORD thinks politics as dirty but to these men it was high honor and part of their patriotic duty and duty to God to be very involved in the governing of their homeland.  We need more men as these--methinks that is why we have such troubles today.  Men who are in government to serve themselves-for fame or fortune are not worthy of the positions of high honor to lead this nation in government--yet many are there today.  This trip has led me to want to pray more for leaders who will humble themselves before an Awesome God and truly become servants of "We the people".  Hope you'll agree with me and pray the same (more on this trip on future blogs.)

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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