Woe to the democrats--The Benedict Arnolds or worse Judas Club of Health Care Reform
Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 12:03PM
City On A Hill in Benedict Arnold, Brian Baird, Earl Pomeroy, Judas, Kathy Dahlkemper, Lincoln Davis, Marion Berry, Medicare, Michael McMahon, Paul Kanjorski, bart stupak, health care reform, obamacare

If the title seems too harsh--I suggest telling that to the Unborn--trade places with them and you'll see the above as mild.

Jesus said to his disciples: "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come." Luke 17:1

Who will be those who will allow this healthcare reform to pass which is a pandora's box. Their names will be remembered in infamy. Many have already said that the bill is unlawful, unconstitutional and goes against our Republican form of government.

Will they be known as The Benedict Arnold's of this era or worse The Judases (for the price or gold they receive will be worthles)? There is a pretense that this is going to bring a new era to better and improved healthcare in America but in fact opens the door wide to ending life by giving money for the killing of the unborn in numbers unheard of before and opening new facilities that will do it like an assembly line amongst other things still unheard of in this humongous bill. 

Plus the looming bottom line of reality that they are adding huge amount of debt to a government that is already in the red--an example of which is the fact that they are taking half a trillion from a program such as Medicare that is already 37 trillion dollars in the red.  Printing more paper money will not solve it and our future generation shouldn't have to pay for it.

The future is in the hands of the few and their legacy will soon be known. Whatever money will be gained by the promises to them will not mean much in eternity as the story of the Rich Man and the Beggar reminds us. As in eternity there will be a great chasm that will separate and those who would sell their soul today will not be able to cross--not even for a drop of a little water...

Where will these decide:

Brian Baird-Washington

Marion Berry-Arkansas

Kathy Dahlkemper-Pennsylvania

Lincoln Davis-Tennesee

Paul Kanjorski-Pennsylvania

Michael McMahon-New York

Earl Pomeroy--North Dakota

Marcy Kaptur--

Hopefully there will be a movement amongst these that will turn them instead to be remembered as the Heroes that saved the Constitution and whose names will live on amongst the great such as George Washington, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, men that knew about the story of the Rich Man and The Beggar and had a fear of an awesome God as real.  After all, He really came through for them and they acknowledge that and we live in that nation that resulted from that great war. There is a war today also, hopefully these men will chose wisely to stand on the side of God and be blessing for us all that we may continue to say God blessed America vs...


Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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