God Is Not Mocked
Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 11:43PM
City On A Hill in bryan english, country crossings, gambling, george washington, homosexuality, iowa family policy council, judgment day, light in the dark. solomon, same sex marriage, tom anderson

There is such a war against the knowledge of God everywhere.  It is in our schools, in our government, in our states and even in our military.   From topics such as gambling and same sex marriage, man has held his own self up on a pedestal as if he is god.  Many in this nation has forgotten its humble beginnings and the growing pains endured.  Men such as George Washington who bent their knees and bowed their heads in awe to Almighty God are held up by many today as having had no such relationship with Jesus Christ. 

But you see, history, true history can not be erased.  The founders in their inspired wisdom required records to be kept and from their own writings the doubts evaporate- if one dared to find the truth.  And truth set the founders free to form a new nation and with their groanings to their Maker, which was heard, a miraculous thing happened and one of the greatest nation was born.

It reminds me of Solomon who asked God for wisdom --the founders did the same--as you see the beginning of wisdom was the fear or "awe" of God and this they had and they sought his guidance.  And like Solomon they were also given riches such as the world has never seen.

To whom much is given, much is expected.  But alas, today many have gotten too proud as if opportunities they received in this land was of their own making and they thought themselves as a god.  So much so that with disdain they look upon the Bible and faith as a crutch for those who are weak. 

Without the underpinnings of the foundation based on God's word--slowly the enemy tries to crumble what was good about this nation.  In every segment of society what is evil is being promoted as good.  Gambling promoters are now seen as saviors of jobs and education.  The homosexual agenda seeks to portray themselves as enlightened seeking to shine the truth so one no longer has to lie about who they are in the military and even has the audacity to show themselves as making our children safer in the schools.  Many so-called Christians are even putting out a rally cry as Iowans are seeing in the same-sex marriage issue and also in the gambling issue of Alabama.

Does these Christians really think that God does not see their innermost thoughts and motivations?  I pray there will be a turning of those to God and I pray against the lies of the enemy that seeks to devour their souls.  God will not be mocked.  He watches over us all and he will not hold his judgment forever.   Hear the podcast of two men in the fight along with a teen who have one thing in common--they know the truth--and they want to shine His light in the dark.

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Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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