Sen Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins--What Do They Have In Common
Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 01:51PM
City On A Hill in Bible Prophecy, Constitution, DADT, Military, Soldiers, dont ask dont tell, faith, lame duck session, olympia snow, senator scott brown, susan collins, traitors

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:25-27


The above three Senators are standing up for an agenda that would sacrifice a soldiers's life.  It is traitorous when one takes into account that we are at war and a Marine Corp General has warned them it will risk the lives of his men.

"When your life hangs on the line," said Gen. James F. Amos, the commandant of the Marine Corps, "you don't want anything distracting. . . . Mistakes and inattention or distractions cost Marines' lives."

Why chance it?  The brave and right thing to do would say no to this repeal of don't ask don't tell. Facts on the full Pentagon report shows overall the impact on unit trust would be negatively impacted -75% Army combat arms and 85% Marine combat arms and 24%-almost a quarter of them will leave earlier than planned. 

How can these three servants of the people and this nation seek to serve a very loud minority over the safety of our nation and it's soldiers?   It is traitorous when one considers they swore to defend this nation.  These senators also act as if they do not realize that this is a nation under God and He is watching.  Bernie Madoff didn't get away with it and I doubt neither will they.  The price of lives for power is even worse than money and Americans throughout are seeing the ugly truth before their eyes of what RINOs mean.  Senator Scott Brown was a praised name but no longer--he has now earned a new name.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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