Finding The Way Back Through The Heart For The Miley Cyrus Of This World
Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 12:52AM
City On A Hill in Bible Prophecy, Education, abe lincoln, bible, common core standards, department of education, depression, faith, fear of the Lord, joy, miley cyrus

We win some--we lose some.  This week's loss for children in Alabama with the adoption of the common core standards opened the door to taking stock at what's happening in America.   It has been said by none other than the very wise President Abe Lincoln "the philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."  Indeed there is a war for control of the school room for it will direct the future of America.

America even during these worrisome times is looked upon by the world as the land where dreams can come true.  As in the beginning, there were dreams from parents to have a better world for their most precious possession--their children in this land full of promise.  

Today in America we see teens clothed in splendor yet lacking in wisdom and true joy.  They seek to fill the pain within as material comforts have made them and their parents forget where true comfort and joy come from. The Bible says the beginning of wisdom is the "fear" or awe of the Lord.  The Bible is a guide--it was in the beginning of this nation and it still is today.  But today unlike then, it's wisdom is no longer welcomed in the training of the children.  And so hard as they try the bureaucrats can't help but fail year after year, programs after programs.  

Alas, the latest one--common core standards is the tallest order of all--"if only we in Washington can direct them all--we will teach all the children to learn alike."  It reminds me of the builders of the towers of Babel.  The Bible says unless the Lord be in it they build in vain.  And the building up of children through the Department of Education is very lacking indeed and the more money they throw at it--the worse it gets.

One does not have to go far to see where the next generation is headed, like in Miley Cyrus who I saw tonight, the idol of many children of today.  Miley is lost and is not looking in the right direction.  Her parents too have lost their footings and can't find their own way.

But Miley has something priceless in her corner--an older generation--a  loving Grandma that tried to teach her when she was little that Jesus lives within her heart.  I believe this and her Grandma's prayers to the Almighty God can make all the difference and help the Mileys of this world find their way someday.  Hopefully the parents will find Him and their way back too. 

So, chin up for the likes of me and you, who cares about the future generation, let's get back to work and it begins on our knees.  George Washington did it--a long long time ago.  And heaven smiled and miracles after miracles happened.  We need them today--please let's all help and lift up this nation, our children to our merciful God in prayer.

Psalm 18:2,3

The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer;
         My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; 
         My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised;
         So shall I be saved from my enemies.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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