What Does All Of America's Problems Have In Common
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 10:25PM
City On A Hill in Benjamin Franklin, John Bernard, global warming

City On A Hill Radio Show is now on Mon-Friday and unlike the old format--things are happening so fast it is almost a blur.  I regret that I have not written about each of my guests as I would have liked to.  God in his grace has given all of us a chance to share in each other's lives--sometimes it is with joy but many times it is with pain.  The news is full information I would rather not hear but hiding my head in the sand is no solution (for me and I daresay not for you either.)  It is a responsibility to know the true news so that right decisions and actions can be made.  You and I have heard it said that unfortunately there maybe nothing we can do because the media will not let the truth come out.   I believe in today's world each of us can be part of that truth media. We of City On A Hill Radio Show will strive to do our part.  And we invite you to listen and share the podcasts with your friends and family.  

I remember a story about a snowflake and how a single one on a branch doesn't make a difference but when other snowflakes fall--the weight of all those snowflakes can break a tree branch.  I believe we have a chance to break through the tyranny of today's mainstream media as each one of us together armed with knowledge--matters greatly-- in diverting the path America is taking.  Insanity was a word used by John Bernard regarding today's rules of engagement.  Fraud was a word used by Dr. Edward Boudreaux, a scientist speaking on C02 emmissions and global warming.

Indeed it is a world turned upside down where right is wrong and wrong is right.  But it is good to remember that all of America's problems and ours have something in common as part of the solution.  Just as Benjamin Franklin said:

In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection.- Our prayers, Sir, were heard, graciously answered....

We can do the same!!  So let's not get too depressed America instead let us remember to start with daily prayers and hopefully our prayers too--will be graciously answered.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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