Glenn Beck--Expose on the Czars etc.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 02:06PM
City On A Hill

What Glenn Exposed on the Czars--click here

What’s Washington going to be talking about this week ? I am sure Glenn Beck’s show this week on his expose will –like it or not will be part of the discussion (it airs 4pm central time). It is a must watch. Many I hope will call Congress after they watch as new incredible things will be put in the light specially about these so-called czars. I think Glenn Beck is like most citizens of this nation–he is very concerned at the change of power that is going on. It does not take much to realize as he has that their stimulus plan plus, cap and trade plan plus health reform plan to be passed in haste is a road to disaster to bankrupting America! Why must it be done this fast–it sure is not to save the economy–or to save planet earth–as Australia’s scientific approach has made their government balk at the suicide pact of global warming and they have wisely said no to the farce. In truth, things have to be done speedily so that the lobbyist who have written up these bills stamped by their favored Congressmen/women– can please their bosses as they raid the American financial system before the people has had the chance to find out what is in them. It almost sounds like a robbery but then it is in a more dignified way–by using this nation’s rules against itself. Of course it’s unconstitutional but as long as the favored Congressman/woman gets their bread buttered–”we the people” doesn’t really matter”. That is until election time–then they start all over promising the world. But the lies can’t be covered up anymore–there is just too much.

It looks like America is finding out–so let’s all watch Glenn Beck’s truly great investigations and start having a plan of our own to reclaim this nation. His story just on Van Jones–the green czar–disgusts one as how can a terrorist reach such a high spot in this nation. I think you can figure it out.Glee

Update on Friday, August 28, 2009 at 09:29PM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill

For those of you that missed Glenn Beck, you will want to tune in this weekend as Fox may replay some of it.  Somehow you need to get your hands on copies of the show.  It was so fact-filled incredibly so and many in America now knows those facts.  So let's get going citizens--make this country again a country for "we the people" --the way the Founding Father's wanted it.  They had already seen what the world offered and they wanted none of it.  It is sad that today many in our government have forgotten that truth as indeed they are trying to turn this land back to those days of tyranny.  But alas, the sleeping giant--"we the people" have awakened and with the help of God above as back in the beginning of this nation--we will help this nation shine like a "city on a hill".  Please remember it starts like the Founders did with us on our knees in humble prayer for the help of Almighty God.  May you continue to follow the truth.  May God bless you and may God bless America.

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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