God Uses The Foolish Things Of This World To Confound Or Put To Shame The Wise
Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 09:28PM
City On A Hill in Daniel, Ester, Esther, Sarah Palin, elitist, foolish things to put shame the wise, middle America, president

Message of hope being heard in small town America--City On A Hill Radio Show--because God has not forgotten America and to whom much is given--much is expected.  Tune in and be encouraged to act.

But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 1 Corinthians 1:27

I believe Sarah Palin is going to be a living example of this verse, to us as Christians and to the secular world of Hollywood, intellectuals and media elites. Through no fault of her own, she and her family have been viciously criticized, belittled, and slandered and yet, she continues to draw crowds and fans by the thousands. What is it about this woman that brings out the most venemous blogs, commentaries and articles I've ever seen in my 52 years of living? I believe it is what the above verse says. Actually, I like how the Old King James version states it. Instead of using the words, "put to shame," it uses the word, "confound," a much better word to describe Sarah Palin and the real "gut" reaction the elitist have to her. They just don't quite know what it is they don't like about her. It's just there..."confounding" them.

I think I know. I believe God has raised her and others that we may not even be aware of yet ,"for such a time as this." There are many Esters, Deborahs, Daniels and Josephs out there who are not intimidated by the enemy and Sarah Palin is one of them. She has the elite media and intellectuals "confounded." They're all talking about her, trying to figure out what she is going to do and everytime they think, "aha, we have her now," she does something completely unexpected.

After Sarah gave her resignation speech, all of the commentators and politicians were in a frenzy trying to analyze and criticize, but when I heard her resignation speech, I knew. Here is a woman who is not afraid to speak the truth, even if it's not the "politically correct" thing to say. She speaks to the heart of middle America, the common men and women, you know, the ones who cling to their guns and religion and at the same time she has the heart of a woman and mother who speaks out for the unborn and handicapped and says their lives are of value in a country that has numbed its conscience to these precious individuals. This is a woman who has been ridiculed for her faith and her conservative values like no other woman in the public arena. I don't know what God has planned for Sarah Palin, but I am thankful for her and I'm praying for God to raise others up in our nation who will be willing to take a stand no matter the cost.

-Wanda McDonald

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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