The EPA reports that they were concerned that they and many other agencies have paid too little attention to the "science of global warming." So what they did was truly study it with as their conclusion says represents the "best science."
Which unfortunately the report was not what this current administration who is bent on satisfying the global warming lobbyists--wanted. So they squealch the report. You however can figure it out all by yourself. Most in the media have not helped but you who can read will figure it out fairly easily within the first page of the report.
It does boggle the mind at how this nation is being manipulated to the point of bankruptcy for the elite few who doesn't care that most Americans will not be able to afford higher energy bills amidst these rough times. So read the report for yourself and if you have had enough of the garbage they've been giving you about global warming--call Congress and tell them no way on the crap--oops cap-n-trade!!!And unless you are one of the few who has more money than he can spend and really don't care about others--you'll be glad to find the truth for yourself.