The Cap and Trade–A Joke on “US”
Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 10:19PM
City On A Hill

O’Bama says “Make no mistake,” he emphasized. “This is a jobs bill.”–Does he not realize this will be at the expense of families paying higher utilities that they can not already afford and is made worse by the economic woes caused by his non stop spending of $$$trillions as if they are just dimes in his pocket. No presidents has even spent anything near what he has already done.

His so called jobs bill will not give everyone jobs but it will help “all equallly” lose more of their money due to prevention of ”climate calamity” and many of the poor will have their own climate calamity of due to not affording air conditioning during these hot months–how ironic is that? But then we have been asked to tighten our belts and I guess this is their way–is this okay with you?

The Chairman of the House energy and Commerce Committee Democrat henry waxman used his special weapon when asked to read the climate change bill–”a speed reader”.

It is utterly indescribable what a mockery the leadership in Congress and the White House have made of our Constitution.

At a time when deep thought and serious discussions should be held for these hard economic times with a bankrupt economy–the leaders have sought to break the backs of the people with regulations that at any other time would be hard enough but today is downright murder to this nation’s economy and value of US dollar.

If you are elderly–working a job maybe out of the question. One can’t even imagine the stress this will add to families. How can they do this? Because they are swimming in lobbyists money and can’t sympathize with the common man. Oh well… read facts from these articles to help you sort it out

What we can afford to do is to try to make America strong by finding ways to get over our problems by following the foundation.

It is time to wake up from a bad dream and tell Congress we can no longer afford for the US Constitution to be made fun of –no more speedreaders allowed. We are tired of them making the Constitution a butt of their jokes (so far they’ve gotten away with it.) The joke is really on us because that is what the Constitution protects–the rights of “We the people.”

I think it’s time to do what the founding fathers did–get on our knees and pray to God for a breakthrough. Hopefully we all haven’t got so full of ourselves we no longer think we need him–many in Congress apparently don’t need him they just need lobbyists’ $$$.

Listen here to our podcasts –be sure to listen to why are they mocking our rights then attend a Tea Party event in your area on July 4th. It’s the patriotic thing to do

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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