Houston, Texas--Are You Blind and Deaf Toward The Full Counsel of God?
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 10:11AM
City On A Hill in Annise Parker, Houston, Houston mayoral election, Texas, gomorrha, kevin jennings, lot, mega-churches, sodom

Houston--The Eagle Has Landed In The Path of Destruction


In the land of milk and honey there is a town called Houston with glimmering skies full of glass and steel.  Strength and size it has along with everything money can buy.  But amidst this modern towering town breathes an air of indifference to its foundation.  Cracks are showing up under their noses and the stench will now be rising.  An opulent population of 2.2 million, this is indeed a place where one can have anything one desires.  But in their fulfilling of wants--it is important to see the "neglect" of their beginnings.  No longer do they remember the giver of their blessed way of life--"their government" . Amidst the success of its huge mega-churches that do a spectacular job of making people feel good--they forgot it is good to honor and obey the full counsel of God from whom all blessings flow.  Did they forget to emphasize his Word that says:

Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth , hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.  Exodus 18:21

Did they also forget the lessons from two other glimmering, successful towns of Sodom and Gomorrah?  They must have because they are following in their footsteps.  Maybe many Houston churches wanted to be politically correct which parallels the story of Lot--as he too for correctness-- would sacrifice the same thing"his children".  Houston has closed its eyes to the consequences for their own children because that is going to be the bottom line of the gay agenda as evidenced by the Safe Schools Czar's dream Kevin Jennings for homosexuality indoctrination to be in Kindergarten to 12th grade. 

The stench of apathy for is so clear when you see evil win out of a population of 2.2 million.  Only 16% voted and the highly touted gay mayor won by 83,000 votes--how many Christians does Houston have--I would think more than 16% of the population would say they were Christians. 

We forget what Jesus said that not everyone that calls him Lord, Lord will enter heaven--but he that doeth the will of the Father.  Those in Houston as well as the rest of us in this nation is taking a chance that maybe we will enter heaven with our own thoughts and our ways.  Let us not fail Him who gave his all for us and let us strive starting today to do the will of the Father in "all things" and may God have mercy on us and our nation.  Houston, Texas is just an example-- a good example--hope we all can learn.



Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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