11-7-09 Honoring Our Brave Through Giving To Military Ministry
Friday, November 6, 2009 at 04:28AM
City On A Hill in Christmas, Military Ministry, PTSD, Thanksgiving, USA today, anti-depressant, campus crusade, depression, injured soldiers, post traumatic stree disorder, rachel sherburne, walter reed army medical center
Hear an interview (go to top nav bar marked Radio Show) with Rachel Sherburne of Military Ministry by Campus Crusade.  In today's incredibly stressful times our military needs their services worse than ever.  Please share this interview and give to Military Ministry as they help deal with the mounting problems of today's military and their families.  The Ft. Hood shootings is just an added affront to the worries they already have.  This Thanksgiving and Christmas make a point of  helping our brave soldiers by helping provide for their emotional, spiritual needs--it is only fitting as they sacrifice to keep us living in the land of the free. 
call them at 1-800-444-6006
Visit their website:  Military Ministry
Send cards to Walter Reed Hospital for injured troops especially Christmas:

A Recovering American Troop c/o

Walter Reed Army Medical Center

6900 georgia Ave NW

Washington DC  20307


Link to Article on Help with Depression and song USA Today-about the soldier

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.