Shine The Light on Climate Change Hoax and Bury Cap and Trade
Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 02:44PM
City On A Hill in al gore, climate change e-mails, copenhagen climate meeting, global warming, john holdren

Thank God and for those who have exposed the climate change e-mails.  Share these articles with everyone and discuss it as mainstream media would rather we didn't.  You can make a difference--let's all get informed.  Here are some great articles and be sure to contact your Congress (202) 224-3121 and let's tell them we want the truth to run this country and we can't afford to subscribe to more lies that will bankrupt our economy.  Please urge support of Sen. Inhofe's investigation!  Al gore's lies can no longer be tolerated along with others in the administration--truth exposed must be shared.  We will be doing interviews in the coming months on these e-mails and climate change.

British News to be applauded





 Investigation on Michael Mann by Penn State

A call for resignation of Prof Phil Jones (Prof title is a bad joke on the world)


White House should have egg on their face

More Links added 12-1-09:

University of Arizona has two profs that should not be--Malcolm Hughes & Gary Funkhouser

Loads of info


Hearing by Select Committe on Climate Change--by select witnesses of one side only of course

Who Was Invited At The Hearing

The Obama Plan For Your Energy Bill As Mentioned Earlier in 4-09


Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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