Giving Thanks 
Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 09:33AM
City On A Hill

I am so Thankful to God for the family and friends he has gifted me and for his awesome love that runs deep. I thank God he has allowed me to live in the land of the brave and home of the free where all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us.-I thank God for the many times He has turned my mourning into times of Praise!! How awesome is that --that the God of the Universe--of all Creation-- He cares for our need as "individuals" and wants a relationship with us! I know because my life is a testimony of his amazing Grace. Let 's Share CHRIST SO THEY TOO CAN HAVE JOY AND PEACE THAT PASSESS ALL UNDERSTANDING. May God bless you and shine his face upon you and yours.

Update on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 09:37AM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill
Cathie B.  November 24 at 5:40pm
Thank you Lord for my healthy children and Grand-children. Thank you for sparing my son's life by 2 min. in the Slim Jim factory explosion. Thank you for all the answers to prayer, and the ideas you have given me to help our country. Cat
Update on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 09:38AM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill

{A Poem for Thanksgiving and for all Time.}

The embers burned so softly, while the night convinced no companion to comfort him. He had been a weary traveler, looking for a place to rest his hungry shell, once a man. All the darkness could offer him was crumbs. Mankind had turned the other cheek, inside a heated and down- filled blanket that could not be for two.
Hiding by a once lit garbage can sleep came unwillingly. I had no knowledge of this hunger, while a chill ran across my legs, oblivious to any discomforts of a real sence. No explanation can be given to the phenomenan, could this be only a choice? NO. Desperation. As the embers crackled with a vengence, at a life slipping away. So the night turned it's lights down low, hiding from the traveler, behind the once lit garbage can, while he was pecked, and fed some crumbs from a world that did not want him.

Update on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 09:40AM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill
Loree B. November 24 at 7:47pm   
I think about all the times that God has taken me thru: sickness, financial difficulties and lonliness, and it reminds me that His word never changes! He is not a man that He should lie! When I learned and then beleived that God really does hear me, I began to pray for others, and their needs as well. Now with understanding, and even on this upcoming Thanksgiving, with continued challenges of a physical nature as well as a bit of lonliness without any family around close by, I know God is my constant companion, and I am His friend. You see God created a people unto His own who were the Jews. Now with the completed promise of His son Jesus who came into the world to redeem us, save us, and love us with all our imperfections, and sins, we are free to now understand that we are always in His constant care. God wants us to be His friend and companion. We are always a people unto His own, Jew and Gentile alike. Come and celebrate the season of Thanksgiving with an understanding that the Lord is with you. Call upon His name. Give thanks with a grateful heart for the things He has done. Remember no matter how hard at times your situation may become, there is always someone out there who is hurting, hungry, and lonely. Perhaps it is time we looked to the God in each of us to reach others who need what we have. Perhaps if we would do this, even if it were for only one, every need of ours would be met, especially the one of spirit and truth. It is truely better to give than to recieve! Happy Thanksgiving!
Update on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 09:43AM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill
Denise S. November 24 at 11:20pm
I give the Lord God thanks for my family, friends, my job, my salvation. I also give thanks for the men and women who are fighting for our freedom. WE should all be thankful for them. I am saved and I live in a free nation. THank you Lord Jesus for giving your only son so that I might live.
Update on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 09:44AM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill
Laura D.  November 24 at 11:24pm
I have believed in Jesus Christ as the son of God and as the world's redeemer my whole life, but at around the age of 13 I put walls up around my heart and went my own way. I still prayed, sure, and fervently at that, but I didn't allow Him in to love me. I didn't think I was loveable...or worthy of such a love. My life became ... ... See MoreRead Moredefined by this anger, hopelessness, and self destructive lifestyle...until the Spring of 2004. I had had enough of the bitterness and empty promises of this world and I surrendered my life to Him...I layed it all down at the foot of the cross...and Jesus Himself gathered me up in His arms and I felt His love and forgiveness overwhelm me. I will never be the same and I will never be content until everyone I meet and love knows Him!
Update on Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 10:17PM by Registered CommenterCity On A Hill
Patricia H. November 26 at 10:09pm
God is such a blessing to the entire world. We have the sunlight, we have the air to breathe, food and water, we have clothing and shelter. This is not so for all of the world, but as Christians, we are to be light in the darkness and to care for the less fortunate. In doing so, we may have to go to war to stop the evil from spreading. In the early years of Israel, they were to kill all that was in the land before they inhabitated it. Israel failed to do that and even made allies with those God didn't instruct them to make covenants with...and paid the price. Why do we think we are not under the same laws. The old testament and new testament walks hand in hand. Jesus fullfilled the penalty of the law, but did not do away with the law. We must learn the Word for life and to be a light. God is so good to us.

We must be wearing our armor and head out to the battle upon us. It isn't in Afganistand or Iran or .... it is in our land, state, city, neighborhood or maybe our own home....we must destroy the evil in our midst...remove the tv, stereo, magazines...anything that will take you from God. We must save our children and our families....the blood on the lintel and door posts saved the children of Israel in the Exodus, but we need to place the blood upon the lintel and doorposts of our hearts.... it is war.
May His blessings be upon you.
Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
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