"God will bless or curse this nation..." Charles Finney, 19th century evangelist 
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 08:45PM
City On A Hill

"God will bless or curse this nation according to the course CHRISTIANS take in politics," said 19th century evangelist Charles Finney.  He knew that only Christians can bring Biblical principles, like, there really is a right and wrong and God Almighty, the true and living God of the Bible,  has decided the standard, not man.   God says sexual sin of all kinds is wrong and will be punished, both in this world, in reaping what is sown, and in eternity during the judgment.  "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is one of God's Commandments.  Fornication, (sexual activity before marriage) and all sexual perversion (sodomy & same sex relations) is absolutely forbidden.  It is sin, a "transgression of the law" of God. 

So why are we Christians allowing the government to push our children down the road to immorality and to what God abhors?  Why are we allowing "Safe" Schools "Czar" Kevin Jennings to remain in an Obama appointed position where he is agressively saturating public schools with homosexuality from kindergarten through high school?  

 Where are our morals?  Are we going to allow all our states to cooperate with the homosexual advance on our children by permitting "anti-bullying" laws that do not protect all children but divide them into groups according to sexual orientation and "special characteristics"?

Come on people!  Right is right, and wrong is wrong!  Let's pray for all people and let's stand up for what's right!

Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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