A Glimpse To The 2010 Election
Friday, October 2, 2009 at 08:35PM
City On A Hill

There are currently 257 seats held by the Democrats and 178 seats by the Republicans in the House of Representatives.  All seats are up for election for the 50 states as they only have 2 year terms.

Great Link for House of  Representatives Here


Senators have 6 year terms and election is staggered every two years for one-third of them--these are up for re-election:






What   Party  
AK   Lisa Murkowski R Running
AL   Richard Shelby R Running
AR   Blanche Lincoln D Running
AZ   John McCain R Running
CA   Barbara Boxer D Running
CO   Michael Bennet D Running
CT   Chris Dodd D Running
DE   Ted Kaufman D Retiring
FL   Mel Martinez R Retiring
GA   Johnny Isakson R Running
HI   Daniel Inouye D Running
IA   Chuck Grassley R Running
ID   Mike Crapo R  
IL Roland Burris D Retiring
IN Evan Bayh D Running
KS Sam Brownback R Retiring
KY Jim Bunning R Running
LA David Vitter R Running
MD Barbara Mikulski D Running
MO Kit Bond R Retiring
NC Richard Burr R  Running
ND Byron Dorgan D  Running
NH Judd Gregg R Likely retiring
NV Harry Reid D Running for reelection
NY Chuck Schumer D Running for reelection
NY Kirsten Gillibrand D Running
OH George Voinovich R Retiring
OK Tom Coburn R Running
OR Ron Wyden D Running
PA Arlen Specter R Running
SC Jim DeMint R Running
SD John Thune R Running
UT Bob Bennett R Running
VT Patrick Leahy D Running
WA Patty Murray D Running
WI Russ Feingold D








Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (http://www.shineascityonahill.com/).
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