CRW--Basic Action Steps-- First Issue is the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child
Friday, July 16, 2010 at 02:22AM
City On A Hill

Some of things in the UN CRC that is very shocking:

  • Children can choose their own religion while parents would only have the authority to give their children advice about religion.
  • It would give the government the ability to override every decision made by every parent if a government worker disagreed with the parent’s decision.
  • A child’s “right to be heard” would allow him (or her) to seek governmental review of every decision the child disagreed.
  • Christian schools that refuse to teach “alternative worldviews” and teach that Christianity is the only true religion goes against aritcle 29 of the treaty.
  • Allowing parents to opt their children out of sex education has been held to be out of compliance with the CRC.

     Hosea 4:6  "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".


    Here's another troubling issue--Common Core States Standards (CCSS).  The biggest transformation in public education done without knowledge or participation of the public.  Find out from interviews on foremost experts in Education with hands on knowledge of problems with the CCSS and its future. See link.


     God used the women to spread that most important news in the resurrection and we can be useful again to spread important news needed today.  Please help--here are steps Christian Resolute Women can do.

      1.  Educate yourself on the issue--click on this link  and this link.

     2.  Call your Congress (click for numbers here) asking them to sign on as co-sponsor of Senate Resolution 519 to oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child (CRC)--see who needs to sign on in your state by clicking here.

     What you can do in church:

    3.  Make copy of Liberty Council's list of what church and pastors can and cannot do (click here for link)

    4.  Pray before speaking with leadership (see * below).

    5.  Our main resource which we would like to use is the church bulletin--ask to be able to insert leaflet on issues (which is legally permissible for churches).  If you don't have church bulletins maybe a table in the foyer can be set up with leaflets or flyers that have info (with someone there giving them out and hopefully the Pastor can announce it too).  Other ways to distribute could be: Sunday School Classes, women's group, small group meetings and put in your church prayer list if possible.  Don't forget to put it online if you have an online prayer request site and e-mail link to this article.

    6.  We suggest two people present this idea to the pastor.  Take the flyer you printed from Liberty Council (on what churches can and cannot do legally) along with a sample flyer from that you can use as an insert in your church bulletin.

     7. Try and join in a bi-weekly online prayer meeting for CRW on Sunday nights at 8-9PM.  Check here for future info on how and when this will be done.  E-mail us at if you wish to join in this endeavor.

    8.  Please speak on this issue to other groups as this needs to be found out rather quickly to make a difference.  It has been stated the Obama administration wants this done this year-click here to article link. 

    9.  Please e-mail or call all your friends and relatives across this country and ask them to see if they can do the above.  SR 519 is a resolution that we need senators to sign on to now and ultimately we need an amendment--click here for info on it.

    10.  If you have facebook, please join Christian Resolute Women.  Thank you in advance for your help. 

     *Watch Dr. Charles Stanley's video as he warns us "there is a tide that has reached our shores that will ultimately destroy our way of life, it is already in the process.  Dr Stanley has a charge for us--"Challenge you to join in praying for this nation specifically, however God leads you to do it-- every single day for 140 days 20 weeks. Praying for God to change the direction of this tide, open the eyes of the people of this nation, open the eyes of the church to recognize our responsibility, open our own eyes to realize how God has answered our prayer many times in the past. How God has answered prayers corporately and for our whole nation and its very beginning and still is answering prayer today for people who genuinely believe that Almighty God still hears and answers prayer. I am asking you to join me....let's see what God will do for America."


    Here's another facebook page with great links from registration to pastor's guides--Christian American Patriots


    Article originally appeared on City on a Hill Radio Show (
    See website for complete article licensing information.